[ENG] Brisbane Airport Corporation Expanding Use of Artificial Intelligence to Reduce Building Emissions

[ENG] Brisbane Airport Corporation Expanding Use of Artificial Intelligence to Reduce Building Emissions

Brisbane, August 23, 2022 – BrainBox AI, a pioneering leader in autonomous building technology, today announced its agreement with the Brisbane Airport Corporation Pty Limited (BAC) to expand its revolutionary artificial intelligence (AI) technology across multiple precincts of Brisbane International Airport.

This follows a successful trial of BrainBox AI’s technology in a select area of the Brisbane Airport property (BNE). The results yielded from the pilot were significant with a 12% decrease in HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) system energy usage, 17% reduction in building equipment run-time, and zero comfort-related customer complaints during the six-month pilot. These impressive results bolstered BAC’s confidence in BrainBox AI’s core product, enabling the AI’s installation in other areas of the airport. 
Brisbane Airport Corporation, the operator of Brisbane Airport (BNE), is committed to 2030 Sustainability Targets to address carbon, energy, water, and waste impacts.

Derek Boo, Head of Asset Optimisation of Brisbane Airport Corporation spoke about the airport’s approach to innovation. “We are committed to achieving our sustainability targets and experimenting and adopting new technologies which can assist in reducing energy use that ultimately contributes to carbon emission reductions - this is one of the ways we’ll meet our goals. Based on our successful trial with BrainBox AI, we have identified several other opportunities to scale the program and we are looking forward to seeing the results.”

Using deep learning, cloud-based computing, and its bespoke proprietary process, BrainBox AI’s engine autonomously optimizes the building’s existing heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system. With the technology, buildings can benefit from a decrease in their carbon footprint, reduction in HVAC energy costs, and extension of HVAC equipment life.

This installation marks a first for BrainBox AI; its official launch into the aviation industry. It is a pattern that Sam Ramadori, CEO of BrainBox AI would like to see repeated across more of the aviation sector given the size of these facilities.  
“In a world first, Brisbane Airport Corporation is the pioneer among international airport operators in terms of using autonomous AI to reduce emissions at its facilities. We know that airports are significant users of energy, and we also know that across the globe, corporate users and the public alike want to see significant reductions in emissions at these large sites. BrainBox AI is a powerful yet painless way to achieve those reductions. The approved expansion of our technology is a positive step forward in what we hope will be a deep and lasting partnership between us and the sustainability-minded team at Brisbane Airport Corporation.”

For the Brisbane Airport Corporation, the decision to deploy BrainBox AI’s tech in the airport service centre fully aligned with its sustainable development strategy. Furthering its position as industry leaders in the sector; making impactful strides in the fight against climate change.

Since its launch in May 2019, BrainBox AI now manages over 100 million square feet of commercial real estate across 21 countries. This initial step into the aviation space for BrainBox AI marks yet another milestone in the expansion of the company’s footprint into various sectors. 


About BrainBox AI 

Founded in 2017, BrainBox AI was created to address the dilemma currently facing the built environment, its energy consumption and significant contribution to climate change. As innovators of the global energy transition, BrainBox AI’s game-changing HVAC technology leverages AI to make buildings smarter, greener, and more efficient. Working together with our trusted global partners, BrainBox AI supports real estate clients in various sectors, including office buildings, hotels, commercial retail, grocery stores, airports, and more.

Headquartered in Montreal, Canada, a global AI hub, our workforce of over 150 employees, bring with them talent from all sectors with the common thread of being in business to heal our planet.

BrainBox AI works in collaboration with research partners including the US Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), the Institute for Data Valorization (IVADO) as well as educational institutions including Montreal’s Institute for Learning Algorithms (MILA) and McGill University. For more information visit: www.brainboxai.com 

About Brisbane Airport Corporation Pty Limited

Brisbane Airport Corporation (BAC), the operator of Brisbane Airport (BNE), proudly takes on the challenge of connecting Australia to the rest of the world every day and building a place where our community can work and play. 

We are creating Queensland's future, helping employ thousands of people and fostering cultural and economic growth, contributing more than $4 billion annually to the state's economy.

In connecting the world and creating the future, our customers, community, employees and shareholders take centre stage: By creating value for our employees, customers, and community, we create sustainable value for our shareholders as well.

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