Mission COP26 de BrainBox AI : faire évoluer notre technologie pour la planète

Mission COP26 de BrainBox AI : faire évoluer notre technologie pour la planète

BrainBox AI’s COP26 Mission: Evolving Our Tech for the Planet

BrainBox AI is thinking smart

As announced last week, BrainBox AI has been chosen to participate in this year’s COP26 Tech for Our Planet program, where we’ll take part in 1 of 6 challenges. These challenges will allow each start-up to demonstrate how their digital and data solutions could substantially contribute to the global climate effort, from the ways in which technology can help us live greener at home, to the role it could play in supporting and protecting our oceans.

BrainBox AI has been selected for the “thinking smart” challenge, allowing us to illustrate how our revolutionary new concept could predict and manage commercial buildings’ energy consumption across the grid. As participants, we’ll not only be afforded the honor to exhibit our solution on the international stage at COP26, but we’ll also receive the opportunity to pilot our new project in the 3 months leading up to the event. 

Talking about our evolution

An incredible amount of work and smarts has gone into getting to this point. Advancing in leaps and bounds over a few short years, our flagship product has now innovated over 100 million ft2 of commercial real estate across 17 different countries, reducing buildings’ emission rates by up to 40%. Combining AI and cloud computing, ours is a fully autonomous solution that can be used in conjunction with existing heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, rendering them predictive and self-adaptive while significantly reducing energy consumption. 

The natural next step in our evolution will harness the capacity of our core product to optimize HVAC energy use in individual commercial buildings and apply it to clusters of buildings and even cities, rapidly speeding up our positive impact on the environment. Managing HVAC energy expenditure in grid-interactive buildings could greatly reduce the amount of energy consumed across entire networks of buildings, helping lighten the electrical grid load and dramatically reducing buildings’ greenhouse gas emissions.

“Being selected to present at COP26 is a huge vote of confidence for BrainBox AI specifically and cleantech start-ups in general. It means people in positions of power are beginning to see the potential of tech scale-ups to catalyse climate change solutions with their scalable, impactful innovations. This, combined with the fact that this year’s summit is so important, only heightens our anticipation for the event and the opportunities surrounding it,” says Sam Ramadori, President of BrainBox AI.

COP26: tech for climate action

Indeed, much is riding on this year’s 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26). Hosted in Glasgow from 31 October – 12 November 2021, COP26 will see world leaders and officials from 196 countries gather for high-pressure negotiations aimed at addressing climate change.

COP26 is undoubtedly the most important summit since COP21 in 2015, which saw the signing of the Paris Agreement, where countries committed to cutting their emissions to limit global warming to well below 2°C. This year, expectations are high as these countries have been called upon to submit their climate action plans.

Adding to the anticipation is the recent publication of the latest IPCC report, which estimates that we have until 2040 to dramatically reduce our emissions. If not, we will hit the 1.5°C warming mark and all the extreme heat, wildfires, droughts, and floods we’re currently experiencing globally will likely worsen.

In light of this, our main hopes for this year’s summit are that participating countries can come together to set concrete and specific targets to limit warming to 1.5°C by 2040 and, most importantly, that immediate action is taken to implement these targets. Despite the IPCC’s sobering report, we have reason to be optimistic.

The fact that programs like Tech for our Planet exist gives us hope that world leaders are invested in finding actionable solutions in new technology – a fertile field of innovation and potential when it comes to scalable, rapidly implementable responses to a pressing global problem that requires immediate, large-scale solutions. It’s certainly reassuring to know that, with the help of technologies such as BrainBox AI, a 1.5°C future is still within reach.

Find out more about how you could help slow global warming with BrainBox AI

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