Advanced AI for HVAC optimization

Making your building smarter, greener, and more efficient

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Carbon emissions


Lower HVAC related carbon emissions by up to 40%

Energy costs


Reduce HVAC energy costs by up to 25%

  • Enhance occupant thermal comfort by up to 60%.

  • Boost your occupants’ well-being and productivity with a comfortable, healthy work environment.
  • Improve air quality through intelligent ventilation tailored to occupancy and pollution levels.
  • Dramatically reduce HVAC runtimes, extend your equipment life by up to 50%, and defer CAPEX on retrofits.
  • Increase net operating income (NOI) and asset/equity value by saving on HVAC expenses.
  • Provide your personnel with usable data and automate their most tedious tasks.
  • Decrease hot and cold calls.
  • Elevate your property's competitive edge with reduced operating and utility costs.
  • Enhance your building's appeal through ESG compliance and forward-thinking initiatives.
  • Meet and exceed local energy efficiency mandates, including compliance with laws like local law 97.
  • Optimize the HVAC system you already have.
  • No need for expensive retrofitting or sensors.
  • Minimal initial investment required.

How it works

Harness unlimited data

Enrich your decisions with internal and external data

AI draws from vast amounts of data sources and makes the optimal energy decisions for your building.

Utility tariff structures​

Utility tariff structures​

Weather predictions

Weather predictions

Occupancy data

Occupancy data

Grid emission rates​

Grid emission rates​


Advanced AI algorithms: Working in concert to suit your needs


Our distinctive AI algorithms are customized to your building’s equipment, control points, preferences, and comfort standards, optimizing energy consumption and emissions while aligning with your goals.

Developed and fine-tuned over years, BrainBox AI algorithms dynamically analyze factors such as indoor air quality, humidity, occupancy rates, and external temperature fluctuations, making real-time adjustments for efficient operation.

Our algorithms work in harmony, adjusting HVAC settings and optimizing airflow based on current conditions, continually monitoring, analyzing, and optimizing your building’s environment.

Four ways to connect

Our solution is widely compatible

Cloud Connected Wi-Fi Thermostat​s

Cloud Connected Wi-Fi Thermostat​s

Niagara Framework®

Niagara Framework®

Cloud to Cloud Integration

Cloud to Cloud Integration

BACnet Gateway​

BACnet Gateway​

Brainbox AI’s Privacy Policy

Types of Personal Information we collect

  • Last Name
  • First Name
  • Address
  • Postal Code
  • Email Address
  • Phone and/or Fax numbers
  • Employment history, education, and other information that may be included in a resume as well as information such as date of birth, gender, position, etc. for employment purposes
  • Social media profiles

How we use your Personal Information

  • Information / Promotional offers
  • Statistics
  • Communication with Customers
  • Marketing and advertising
  • Improve our products and services
  • Compliance with legal and regulatory requirements

Third parties who collect and/or store your Personal Information

The following third party service providers help us operating by collecting and/or storing your Personal Information on our behalf:
  • AWS
  • Atlassian
  • Microsoft
  • Bamboo HR
  • HubSpot
  • Pipedrive

Know your rights

  • Oppose and Opt out of collection of your Personal Information
  • Withdrawal of your Personal Information
  • Access, rectification, and erasure of your Personal Information
  • Data portability of your Personal Information

When and how we collect Personal Information

We collect Personal Information from individuals browsing our website, individuals who fill out forms on our website, and customers of Brainbox AI, when...
You give
We collect

You browse any page of our website

You fill out a form on our website

You receive emails from us

You opt-in to marketing emails

You request a dashboard account

We use cookies

  • Cookies are small text files that are saved on your computer when you view a website
  • Our website includes links to our social media accounts, which may use cookies to obtain information about your use
  • You can disable cookies by adjusting your web browser settings at any time. Turning off cookies could limit the use of our website

For more information regarding our Privacy Policy, please email:

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